I haven't blogged about the goat in some time because it and I (we are metaphysically linked) are in an incubation period. I will say, it is shaping up to be an extraordinary summer. The turtle should be relatively complete by June. It looks better all the time. Please enjoy this photo of Kenya (still living ) Coco and Otis.
"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood."
Is there one road here, which diverges into two, or are there two roads, which diverge into four? Is divergement always synonymous with bifurcation, or can a road diverge into three, four or more other roads? Do some of the diverging roads merge with each other? How can the reader possibly continue reading a poem in which such ambiguities are introduced in the first line? And we haven't even started talking about the color of the wood yet. Is it autumn? During a drought? Is the wood cowardly? Not to mention the fact that the road is anathema to the wood: the more divergement that occurs, the less wood is left. What a terrible poem.
Oh and the girls Jessica aand Mihalya almost 10 years ago.
....at some point it just ain't a road or a wood.
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