At the moment the path just kind of ends and I would like the pee to make its way (if only moderately) under ground. The question is, " how does one know that they are finally at the pisser?"

So much art seems as if it implies something. A lot of work has the patina of intention and the scale and tenor of something vastly meaningful. Yet, frequently, I feel as if I am lead down a long hallway only to be told that the journey was the destination: Screw that. If I work hard to trace the designs of an artists intention I want their to be a payoff. I am really tired of that whole, " Hey, it is whatever you want it to be."One could say that about a punch in the nose too, but one rarely would. I think their was a time where that sort of work was relevant and inventive; such is the work of Bruce Nauman. Both the following image and the well known Duchamp are titled "Fountain."

So, these are the things I am thinking about when we go to build our pissoir. Suggestions? What do we want to pee on? How do we avoid the vulgar and hackneyed tropes of our time? Should we reference our own passing? Should we get all environmental and all?
Pissing in the snow
outside my door--
it makes a very straight hole.
insanum compleo
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