goatie, I toil and fret, shlep and kabitz, but all the time I am thinking of you.
A man told me about parabolic sound projection and its tendency towards a focused pov (point of view) .
I was wondering if I aimed the amphitheater at the front door
with the proper geometry and proximity
would it sneak in
amidst the buskers and buzzards?
Could you hear properly?
If I choose to craft the interior of the shell in an uneven manner
would the benefit to sound be worth the loss in visual aesthetic pleasure?
"It is noted that you have a funny idea of fun."
the balance between acoustical excellence and aesthetic pleasure is further complicated by diversity of opinion regarding the terms excellence and pleasure; a topic to pursue further in your other blogs, perhaps
The simple fact of the matter is that what one thinks they are experiencing is more fundamental to what they are experiencing. I am pretty sure that the visual context of the aural experience will have a broader result on what folks think they have heard than the inverse. If a dog turd sounded like Vivaldi, it might be pretty impressive but if one played a few lonely notes on a harmonica in a Grecian amphitheater it would really woo em'. Well, at least you know now why I asked the question.
I have to say this, though, in the interest of leaving another comment.
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