Tuesday, December 30, 2008

CALLING ALL GOATERS: Let's start the new year right...
bring your resolutions: we need fire starters.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Haste To the Ferry

Instead of a complete transcription of the lyrics-- try listening twice.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Feel the heat!

So, I am writing with a bit of trepidation here. I gotta say, it takes a seriously lapsed catholic, to call up enough guilt to come clean sometimes ( - I even feel guilty for no longer being catholic).

I have realized why the goat has been so cold regardless of our heating attempts; there was an upstairs screened window that was wide open: Heat rises.

Yet, before I am strung up for being this stupid, please give me the chance to make amends with what might be one of the most elegant appropo ab-solutions yet at the goat. Really, it was born of the moment. It wasn't really one of those chop wood-carry water kind of things, it was more of one of those chop wood- carry water- see deer- drop water- use wood to - kill and eat deer- oh hey, there is still a little bit of water left to wash down the deer, kind of moments.

So, the wood burning stove which is kinda sketchy sits on the deck and only seems to heat three people at a time. Everyone jockeys for position. The deck, being open air isn't quite prone to being heated.
BUT, if you take 7 or 8 pieces of flag stone and alternate their position on said stove, one can transport said stones with a mitt into the goat! Inside there is a number of stools and a wall bench on which the stones can be placed for the most deliriously warm culo! Now that the window is closed we are golden. Its like feckin Thomas Kincaide in there.

SNOW MORE, see ya there soon.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Very cold goating

The goat was cold.
Very old coat.
Very cold goat.

The fire set only made parts of us warmer. It made us realize we were not whole nor one together. We were separate cold people. To nail wood to a screen porch's windows, in the dark, made it look cozy inside and feel as if there were things to be done about it. But Nah, it was cold.

I noticed that in order to tell/hear good stories the suspension of disbelief needs to be firmly rooted in the forgetting of the body and presence. I can't forget or really listen when I am cold.

The cold on some level binds us to the past. Yet, it is hard to think of a time where everyone was really cold all winter long. I've heard stories of how eventually the cold comes to be experienced as heat. I've also heard that to die of exposure is not so bad because you are eventually lulled to sleep. Both of these things only seem true because the paradox smacks of a certain inanity.

I don't think I have ever been that cold.

Was it Jack London that wrote about trying to light a fire with very few matches, numb hands and wet wood in a tree well? That, I kind of get.

When I was a kid, nuns always tried to instill in us that we never really knew what it was like to be cold and hungry. On some level their words contained the subtle meaning that they did understand real cold and hunger: Not through experience but through a greater gift for empathy. Them nuns were cold and hungry.

I am gonna figure out how to heat the goat.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Turtle update.

Oh, yeah and ... the city was just ripe with construction waste this week. Amazing scrap piles contributed to the turtle needs. Thanks, DAVE for the hook up. Really, if only I had a one ton pick up.

Also, about Saturday night.
It is important not to leave cake out all night; It is so mousy. One might say, hey they don't eat much -- who cares? And I say,Yeah but they sure crap a lot.

Jeff was in an odd place.... the pidgeon.

Jeff was all like," this is a great one, this is an amazing song" moments later, " Stop dancing and jumping around the record is skipping"


Yet another guest bartender honing his profession by testing the product before delivery.

Welcome Chuck B to the list of previous devoted droppings.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


So it seems DJ-eff, will be birthdaying at the goat SAT. He said all are welcome.
I doubt we'll have a dance floor done but we will have plenty of places for people to trip and fall as usual. Bring head gear. Apparently, Jeff will be coming by this afternoon to work on the turtle a bit. Feel free-- real free.

Lucca has been scratching many of the blocks to be used in the turtle and arranging little tableaus before the blocks are installed. He keeps telling me that this is his process. He said that if he does this, everything will be magic and healthy and strong.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

The evening began with a conversation about Jung. Mr. Cliff spoke about emotional work with those that suffer various forms of cancer and the past experiences that have become concretized by the disease. The value of confronting the earlier losses, which in his view, make/made the disease possible are numerous. He spoke of synchronous holes and the inner connection of minds. I thought to myself that if one's approach of alternative medicine towards cancer patients is ineffective as a means of abatement, yet ultimately brings a degree of understanding to the parties involved then it truly meets the first tenet of the Hippocratic oath: First do no harm!

Why Do I bring this up?

Because, I proceeded to mix Harvey Wallbangers while I questioned the value of still standing on traditional notions of Anima and Animus, while 35 years of post-structural thinking have rid us of their pitfalls. AND, Harvey Wallbangers really can make your head and teeth hurt, like right now. No Really, we at the goat are thinking about a drink menu and before we craft one with a wood cover, we too will have to consult Hippocrates. So here it is:Ok, so it seems his whole oath doesn't seem to say anything about doing any harm. What did strike me was that while Hippocrates managed to wrestle medicine from those that subjected it to vast superstitions, he maintained a focus on prognosis over diagnosis. If anyone can tell me what this might yield for our cocktail menu beyond , "I know what this drink will do to you," instead of, " I know what drink you need and why " I would be in debt to you. The only thing I have learned from this probing is that we can't do anything that sweet again for a whole evening. THANKS HIPPOCRATES, Maybe you should feed the kitty.

Friday, November 28, 2008

More to be thankful for: It seems that the goat will be serving Saturday night, if I am a little late start conversation and business without me: Items to be discussed: drink menu, log book, and the procurement of a few thousand linear feet of 2x material preferably cut into 8.5 inch blocks,also, the operate use of the colon and its metaphorical extension and run on sentences. Bring game.OR Galliano: This delightful vanilla orange melange is a prime ingredient in the Harvey Wallbanger.
Recently, a friend and I were spending entirely too much money on a drink at the Dahlia Lounge inthe city. We noted that the Harvey Wallbanger was essentially a screwdriver completely transformed by a single extra ingredient. I thought , hey if this little frat boy standard can be rescued then we all have a chance.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Goat opened late last night. Still managed some good cheer after a great Paundy show at the club house. While we played some music and folks were dancing in full regalia I thought to myself , " I'm already at the goat."
Anyone know if we raised some dosh for Cathy?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008

So apparently the first turtle parties have begun. On Friday night approx 50 women descended on the goat and turtle while DJ Jazzy Jeff, spun his little why chromosome all night. I only know of the event (having not been invited) by the glazed looks of townsfolk the next day. There was word of a famed checked polyester panted woman in fine form.

Last night we sat by the fire and watched The Hustler on the rear projection screen. I think I might have actually seemed cooler as I stumbled up hill; " The problem with you is that you're a Roman, they always want more."

Thursday, November 13, 2008

day of the dead late comers. t

I am not a big fan of endless p-arty pics but these were pretty nice.

Friday, November 7, 2008

We already miss you AMY F or PAH PIE PAH PIE

yo, I am headed to Portland this weekend. If you use the goat, please clean her up some.
You might also cut 3 to 4000 2x6s 8" long. Just place them in a neat pile in the center of the turtle okay? If you finish that, just post your accomplishment. Don't think it is possible?: If Jesse and Ohpra, don't get a special seat and are weeping with the rest of us, If Mayor Dailey's son and abbey Hoffman can snuggle on the same grounds, if McCain can muster grace, if Palin can be silenced (and remain underlined during spellcheck!), if Bush can be flabbergasted into not coming outside for a week... THEN YES WE CAN, BUILD THE TURTLE!
Dog Best the Anointed Steaks

Sunday, November 2, 2008

drag queens get all the play OR Dread of the day.

I am still trying to process my feelings around this eve.
I dreamed that night there were many dirt roads throughout my property. Cars were hurdling down them in the dark. A twangy song was playing about creating memories -- the woman's voice sounded as if filtered through an AM radio. Cars would veer off the road and hit trees to the beat. There were dogs all over the place and all their owners kept telling everyone , "Don't look at them, even if they nudge you and you will be all right."

Hard to maintain a confidence in an authorial vision of a bar in the woods when it just keeps on growing limbs on its own.

People, namely the skeleton to my right, continually tried to steer gratitude and awareness to those lost and past. I tried briefly to be aware of a few and lost the moment, but the night had a mind of its own.

I think I finally found my spirit animal!!!!
and all this time it was right under my nose.
Every day I live, I look more like my grandfather.
Once he told me he saw a woman at church and told her that, " IF he had a mustache AND he was 10 years younger it would curl like the tail of a lion when IT saw her. " ; both highly conditional and devoid of responsibility for the mustache's behavior. Gotta love that. I didn't take a candle to Salvatore's grave but I did manage a little furry horizontal totem. Thanks Drew, for keeping the focus on the dead. I am still there.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

It seems odd to show my Obama pumpkin as somehow emblematic of my day of the dead party invitation but it kinda looks like tiger woods anyway .... not that tiger has anything to wor.... any way... . We need some standards... whiskey, vodka, tequila. Choose small and extraordinary over big and cheap always ;let's honor us some ancestors! 9ish look dead or like a dead person.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Note the Toy Boats Concert Photo link to the side there.
Photos by The Inimitable Kung Pau B

This video is referenced in the entry below.
It is stirring original music on the concertina.
The music is by Steven R. Arntson,
"Composer and Concertinist "

Monday, October 20, 2008

Another weekend behind us. The goat opened late Saturday:1:30 early Sunday morning.Thanks Rob and Tammy for allowing us to serve you.

After not enough sleep,

While working on the turtle Sunday at 12:00 we were exploring possible privy locations when attacked by ground bees. When someone is attacked by ground bees it is important not to stick ones nose near the swarm and say "woh,what is it-- bees? " My friends CAN run and dance at the same time. Ms. Anne straight up bush whacked though what others might call impenetrable bush.Well, one couldn't really call it whacking because there was no whacking to be done. It was more of a long arced bounding of sorts. When I realized how impractical and effective her escape route was I was dumbfounded.

The man who was repeatedly stung was playing the concertina only moments earlier. These facts seem to be unrelated. Although, the idea that the cool day had engendered a sleepy hive only to be slowly stoked by the monsignor's playing, eventually erupting to overtake said clergyman, culminating in an orchestrated dance choreographed by the bees, is a sweet one!

Someone put a dozen or so screws point up, on liquor bottles in a manner that spoke of great pride and forethought. I was unable to discern any intentional message via the liquor choices.

Also, we seem to have both a mouse and a Douglas squirrel in residence. Does anyone know if these types get along?

There seems to be sustained talk of post-apocalyptic economies about.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Risk and Reward

The smell of sterno and fondue aided the locution Monday night at the goat.
Rare moments; to hear another's personal narrative culminating in the present.
Reminded of the importance of risk-- I wonder what is to be done. Thanks L, t

Speaking of it: check out the turtle legs: stout.
You can see the arc along the back of the structure just click on the image.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Post tax extension reflation

I don't think I ever pulled the plug before; but why not end on a high-note?

People always say that they don't like gansta rap then, they go and dance like that.

I mean I had a serious grin but I was contemplating the tinsel strength of hemlock in a deflection under a serious live load!

Slowly growing into a man that would make a teenager cringe, t

Private party at the goat tonight to be hosted by Jeff for Lisa.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Broke Ground on the turtle! Can't wait. anyone want to help this SAT. I need like a couple of pier blocks.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Might anyone be interested in a work party to start the construction of the turtle performance space? We need Pressure treated 4x4 and some 2x8s or larger. We also need a massive amount of construction 2x cut-off lumber to enact the master plan. The scale here is funny cuz I don't know the first thing about Google sketch up.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

didn't carl look amazing last night?

Thanks everyone for looking so sharp at B's b-day. xo, t

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Long burn.

My god did the goat bite a few. It is not becoming to speak ill of the dead. Yet, it seems a number of the deceased have not died in quite some time and found it a strange sensation.

Glad to be a bird on perch this mo(u)rn.

Prometheus was eternally punished by a bird for bringing fire to man. The reason he would do it all over again: He thought it would be different this time.It all just seems such an unreasonable atonement for a good tern.


Ps. I could not manage a single puffy pastry. I will do my best to please this eve with what we have at hand.

PPS. Apparently a toy boat is half sunk; funeral barge due?

PPPS, As this blog progresses it seems that its tone becomes estranged to even its author's ears.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Friday night at the goat, "Men's night": Women welcome!

And don't forget about B's party Saturday Evening.

Paundy and special guests will be playing for sure.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

B day at the goat.

Yo, B is having a Birthday this weekend. Come to the goat dressed to kill Saturday night for cocktails and some puffy pastry type things.
Anybody know where I can buy those things? Please see below under, "welcome to the goat" for more info.

Monday, September 22, 2008

If you haven't downloaded "The Devil's Dream World" for free you ain't got goat. If you haven't been to the Goat and you just listened. it might be good enough!

Sunday, September 21, 2008


so I was going back through Mr. Parson's images and I am pretty sure something is appearing in the flame image. Could be just me.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The goat is going to be restructuring for a bit.
I think we are gonna try and keep it event based for a while.
Stay tuned for Goat events.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

goatie, I toil and fret, shlep and kabitz, but all the time I am thinking of you.

A man told me about parabolic sound projection and its tendency towards a focused pov (point of view) .
I was wondering if I aimed the amphitheater at the front door
with the proper geometry and proximity
would it sneak in
amidst the buskers and buzzards?
Could you hear properly?

If I choose to craft the interior of the shell in an uneven manner
would the benefit to sound be worth the loss in visual aesthetic pleasure?

Friday, September 12, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008


The spirit dwells in an airy place
But the soul, wet
like my whistle

GTOTD: Carpe cineream:Seize the gray.

Overheard at the goat the night of Sept 11, 1 AM, anonymous patron,

"I could enjoy a coffin if nobody was in my face..."

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Currently, the goat is considering expanding in order to better serve itself.
Yet, the goat's expansion will benefit others inadvertently.

The point is to host more musicians and we could really use a little more room.
If you would like to contribute to this expansion.... with time or materials ( what we really need is a lot of dimensional-lumber "cut off" material at least 5" long, of any width [2"x?"]) then please contact the goat keeper(s).

A grammatical nightmare I'll tell ya.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Welcome to the goat.

An Ironic Shadow Of Its Dark Self whose heart is without image."

So it was a necessity to figure out how to give a little love to the goat while broadcasting its general hours and ideas.

Why for today: "....in a world of commodity and suffering let us say yes and no to them both!"

Why for tomorrow: " .. a space filled is not a space at all"

Hours: Open
Spencer sometimes does his books in there. You can go whenever but usually Friday night is a good bet. Saturday too. The real point of this site beyond the repository for goat ephemera is to let people know when it is on.

Who: anyone we want there.

Where: if you don't know..... you won't know unless we tell ya.

Rules:are posted inside-- read them.

Things we always need on a goat night:
Ice,Cointreau, Gran Marinier, Gin, Scotch, Limes, Candles, love, musicians, artists; In that order.

Past Performances:
Logger Ron, Paul and Justine, Paundy kind of, Toy Boat, Steve Arntson, Andreas Ortlam's Accordion Quartet.

The awesome Kozi Kino who is super cool for coming this far and curating an amazing line up that was cut short for a thirst for alcohol and toy bo which was about to pass out.

Current Gallery show: Dan Parsons' Instant Nostalgia

Coming Gallery show: Zanetka Kral Goat Imagery

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