Sunday, November 30, 2008

The evening began with a conversation about Jung. Mr. Cliff spoke about emotional work with those that suffer various forms of cancer and the past experiences that have become concretized by the disease. The value of confronting the earlier losses, which in his view, make/made the disease possible are numerous. He spoke of synchronous holes and the inner connection of minds. I thought to myself that if one's approach of alternative medicine towards cancer patients is ineffective as a means of abatement, yet ultimately brings a degree of understanding to the parties involved then it truly meets the first tenet of the Hippocratic oath: First do no harm!

Why Do I bring this up?

Because, I proceeded to mix Harvey Wallbangers while I questioned the value of still standing on traditional notions of Anima and Animus, while 35 years of post-structural thinking have rid us of their pitfalls. AND, Harvey Wallbangers really can make your head and teeth hurt, like right now. No Really, we at the goat are thinking about a drink menu and before we craft one with a wood cover, we too will have to consult Hippocrates. So here it is:Ok, so it seems his whole oath doesn't seem to say anything about doing any harm. What did strike me was that while Hippocrates managed to wrestle medicine from those that subjected it to vast superstitions, he maintained a focus on prognosis over diagnosis. If anyone can tell me what this might yield for our cocktail menu beyond , "I know what this drink will do to you," instead of, " I know what drink you need and why " I would be in debt to you. The only thing I have learned from this probing is that we can't do anything that sweet again for a whole evening. THANKS HIPPOCRATES, Maybe you should feed the kitty.

Friday, November 28, 2008

More to be thankful for: It seems that the goat will be serving Saturday night, if I am a little late start conversation and business without me: Items to be discussed: drink menu, log book, and the procurement of a few thousand linear feet of 2x material preferably cut into 8.5 inch blocks,also, the operate use of the colon and its metaphorical extension and run on sentences. Bring game.OR Galliano: This delightful vanilla orange melange is a prime ingredient in the Harvey Wallbanger.
Recently, a friend and I were spending entirely too much money on a drink at the Dahlia Lounge inthe city. We noted that the Harvey Wallbanger was essentially a screwdriver completely transformed by a single extra ingredient. I thought , hey if this little frat boy standard can be rescued then we all have a chance.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Goat opened late last night. Still managed some good cheer after a great Paundy show at the club house. While we played some music and folks were dancing in full regalia I thought to myself , " I'm already at the goat."
Anyone know if we raised some dosh for Cathy?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008

So apparently the first turtle parties have begun. On Friday night approx 50 women descended on the goat and turtle while DJ Jazzy Jeff, spun his little why chromosome all night. I only know of the event (having not been invited) by the glazed looks of townsfolk the next day. There was word of a famed checked polyester panted woman in fine form.

Last night we sat by the fire and watched The Hustler on the rear projection screen. I think I might have actually seemed cooler as I stumbled up hill; " The problem with you is that you're a Roman, they always want more."

Thursday, November 13, 2008

day of the dead late comers. t

I am not a big fan of endless p-arty pics but these were pretty nice.

Friday, November 7, 2008

We already miss you AMY F or PAH PIE PAH PIE

yo, I am headed to Portland this weekend. If you use the goat, please clean her up some.
You might also cut 3 to 4000 2x6s 8" long. Just place them in a neat pile in the center of the turtle okay? If you finish that, just post your accomplishment. Don't think it is possible?: If Jesse and Ohpra, don't get a special seat and are weeping with the rest of us, If Mayor Dailey's son and abbey Hoffman can snuggle on the same grounds, if McCain can muster grace, if Palin can be silenced (and remain underlined during spellcheck!), if Bush can be flabbergasted into not coming outside for a week... THEN YES WE CAN, BUILD THE TURTLE!
Dog Best the Anointed Steaks

Sunday, November 2, 2008

drag queens get all the play OR Dread of the day.

I am still trying to process my feelings around this eve.
I dreamed that night there were many dirt roads throughout my property. Cars were hurdling down them in the dark. A twangy song was playing about creating memories -- the woman's voice sounded as if filtered through an AM radio. Cars would veer off the road and hit trees to the beat. There were dogs all over the place and all their owners kept telling everyone , "Don't look at them, even if they nudge you and you will be all right."

Hard to maintain a confidence in an authorial vision of a bar in the woods when it just keeps on growing limbs on its own.

People, namely the skeleton to my right, continually tried to steer gratitude and awareness to those lost and past. I tried briefly to be aware of a few and lost the moment, but the night had a mind of its own.

I think I finally found my spirit animal!!!!
and all this time it was right under my nose.
Every day I live, I look more like my grandfather.
Once he told me he saw a woman at church and told her that, " IF he had a mustache AND he was 10 years younger it would curl like the tail of a lion when IT saw her. " ; both highly conditional and devoid of responsibility for the mustache's behavior. Gotta love that. I didn't take a candle to Salvatore's grave but I did manage a little furry horizontal totem. Thanks Drew, for keeping the focus on the dead. I am still there.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

It seems odd to show my Obama pumpkin as somehow emblematic of my day of the dead party invitation but it kinda looks like tiger woods anyway .... not that tiger has anything to wor.... any way... . We need some standards... whiskey, vodka, tequila. Choose small and extraordinary over big and cheap always ;let's honor us some ancestors! 9ish look dead or like a dead person.